Monday, October 22, 2007

Gummi bears VS Care bears

Who will win this fantastic battle, Care Bears from, I do not know and Gummi Bears of Disney(the crowd goes wild!),time to sing the Gummi bears national anthem( all Gummi bear supporters jump up spilling there gummi berry juice all over the new chairs and some magic it did, oh no bouncing chairs bouncing all over each other!The boos and whistles are drowned by the loud jumpy sound, worst of all people being picked up by a low chairs which starts to go higher, ah well back to the battle ring, lets forget about the chairs, oh no look at them, they are in the sky on very high chairs blowing raspberries at each other or doing karate moves to a invisible person, ouch my head, a chair has hit my head, then I remember...the fight has to go on so I jump on a chair with my camera and fly to the top where they are , they smile and fall down and come up again arguing non-stop!I shout in my loudest voice, they act like friends but when my back is turned they stick their tongues out at each other, then I ignore them, soon I fall asleep and I wake up to see them outside the window arguing and fighting, by the way, I do not know these characters but I know a little about them.

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